The European Diversity Charters help public and private sector organisations across the EU design and implement effective diversity and inclusion policies. By signing the Charter, organisations make a public commitment to promote diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Charters are organised at national level, with a Charter per country. Together they have over 12 800 signatories (private and public organisations, NGOs, trade unions), covering 16 million employees.
The 26 Charters come together through the EU Platform of Diversity Charters to exchange best practices and be inspired by successful policies carried out elsewhere in the EU.
The month is organised with the active support of the national Diversity Charters. They help the European Commission build the concept each year and many organise their own events and activities during May. This ensures that diversity and inclusion is promoted at country and regional level and not just by the European Commission.
If your company is committed to diversity and inclusion and would like to sign up to a Charter, then reach out to the one in your country and you’ll get support and expertise from like-minded organisations.
To stay up to the date on the work of the European Commission on diversity and inclusion in the workplace and on the initiatives of national Diversity Charters, you can sign up to a dedicated newsletter of EU Platform of Diversity Charters.