The European Capitals of Inclusion and Diversity Awards
Join us on 28 April for the opening event of this year’s European Diversity Month.
We cannot know where we are going without first knowing where we stand.
This is why the overall theme of European Diversity Month in 2023 will be assessing workplace diversity and inclusion.
We’ll be helping companies and organisations across Europe with resources
and best practices for assessing diversity and inclusion so that the diversity of our societies is reflected in our workplaces.
Don’t forget to share on social media during the event #EUDiversityMonth.
Hybrid Event
Registration and morning networking coffee
Welcome by the moderator Valérie Thys
Opening address by Helena Dalli, Commissioner for Equality, European Commission
Living authentically
Panel discussion “Representation matters” + Q&A from the audience
Diversity, inclusion and belonging are vital to a company’s success. So why do we still not see our diverse society mirrored at all levels of an organisation?
Discussion on challenges and economic impact of exclusion and ways to overcome these.
Sharing experiences Representation matters in business – our road
Sharing experiences The benefits of diversity for policy makers
Networking café/coffee break
Sharing experiences Moving the business towards gender balanced leadership
Panel discussion “If you are not counted, you don’t count? – importance of assessing diversity and inclusion” + Q&A from the audience
How can you build a more diverse and inclusive organisation if you don’t know what you’re doing well and what should be improved? Main challenges in measuring diversity and how to overcome them.
Closing remarks by Irena Moozova, Director for Equality and Union Citizenship, DG Justice & Consumers, European Commission
European Diversity Month raises awareness of the importance of diversity and inclusion in workplaces and society. The Month is organised by the European Commission and the EU Platform of Diversity Charters with its signatories. The initiative is part of the European Commission’s lasting commitment to combatting discrimination and creating a Union of Equality.
In 2023, the European Diversity Month will continue with the underlying theme of building bridges, while the overall theme will shine a spotlight on assessing workplace diversity and inclusion. Assessment is an important first step to creating a work environment where everyone has a sense of belonging, and is given equal opportunities while feeling heard and well represented.
The high-level opening event brings together:
Through debate and discussion participants will be able to share personal experiences, success stories and reflect on how to improve diversity and inclusion with the benefit of input from many different perspectives (employees, employers, NGOs, policy-makers, etc.)